Materials Science and Engineering Research
Hello, my name is Benjamin Allen. I am a junior majoring in materials science and engineering at the University of Florida and pursuing a minor in chemistry.
Characterization and Examination of Polyelectrolyte Complexes
PI: Angelika Neitzel, PhD
Affiliated since August 2023
Hebert Wertheim College of Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering Department
Research focuses on the electrostatic interaction affects on phase behavior of polyelectrolyte complexes to form polymer-based materials with desirable properties and understand physics of these polyelectrolyte complexes.
Synthesis, post modification, and characterization of poly(4-vinylpyridine)
Major: Material Science and Engineering
Minor: Chemistry
Graduating May 2026
Fundamental Principles of Materials
Error Analysis and Optimization Methods
Introduction or Organic Materials
Introduction to Inorganic Materials
Thermodynamics of Materials
Sophomore Materials Lab
Materials Lab 1
Differential Equations
Organic Chemistry 1
Organic Chemistry 2
Organic Chemistry Lab
Introduction to Analytical Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry Lab
Engineering Statics
Mechanics of Materials
University Scholars Programs
Presidents Honor Roll: Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024
University of Florida Honors Program
Work Experience
Rhines Rising Star Robert DeHoff Undergraduate Summer Research Fellow
(May 2024 - August 2024)
Assist in research over the summer. Responsible for removing undesirable end groups from lab synthesized polymers, including creating a procedure, performing the procedure, and characterizing the final product. Also assisted in anionic polymerizations of polymers.
Eastman Hiking and Canoeing Club
(December 2023 - Present)
Volunteer maintaining sections of the Appalachian trail and local parks. Work in teams to build new trail, remove debris, create structures to increase trail accessibility, and prevent and repair trail degradation.